International College of Chinese Language and Culture, Hunan Normal University [湖南师范大学国际汉语文化学院]

  • Address:36 Yuelushan Lu, Changsha
  • Contact: 0731 887 2654, 887 2250  
  • Website:


Courses: elementary Chinese, spoken Chinese, listening skill, elementary reading, characters and phonetics, taijiquan (first year); advanced Chinese, advanced speaking, advanced listening, writing, computer editing, magazine reading, taijiquan, history and culture (second year)

Category of Students Tuition Fees
Short-time student one week: 800 RMB, one month: 3000 RMB, three months: 8000 RMB
Language student one semester: 8500 RMB, one academic year: 16000 RMB
General Visiting Student Liberal art: 17000 RMB, Science: 19000 RMB, Art: 25000 RMB
Senior Visiting Stu

Reviews (1)

Dec 25, 2015 00:21

not bad

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