Xiuhu Park(Xiu Hu Gongyuan) [绣湖公园]

  • Address:Chezhan Lu, Yiwu
  • Getting there: 18
  • Contact:  
  • Opening hours: all day
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This landscaped park was opened in 2003 on the banks of Xiuhu Lake in the center of Yiwu, though the lake itself has been famous since the Song Dynasty

, when poets found inspiration in its quiet waters and tranquil forests. In the centre of the lake is a small island which can be accessed by boat. The Da'an Pagoda sits in the centre of the lake and is one of the few original buildings in the park, having been built in 1110 during the Song Dynasty. Dotted about the park are numerous bridges and various buildings built in Ming

and QingDynasty styles.

The park is popular with local residents, who enjoy picnicking here in summer. As with many central-city parks in China, it is also a popular place for senior citizens to do morning exercises.

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