Zhangshiyan Mountain (Zhangshiyan) [嶂石岩]

  • Address:southwest of Zanhuang County, Hebei Province
  • Contact: 0311- 84260051, 84260157  
  • Opening hours: 8:00-17:00


Zhangshiyan Mountain is located in Zanhuang County, approximately 100 kilometers southwest of Shijiazhuang. It occupies 120 square kilometers and stands approximately 1,700 meters above sea level. Zhangshiyan Mountain is the central site of Forest Park of Taihang Mountain Range. The area features overhanging cliffs, crisscross rivulets, valleys, waterfalls, ponds, lakes and flourishing forests between the mountains. Spring and autumn are especially scenic as colorful, fragrant peach and plum blossoms adorn the landscape. With four distinct seasons, each with its respective beauty, Zhangshiyan Mountain is a natural place for sightseeing and recreation.

Visitors interested in staying for an extended period can find lodging at any of the large-scale guesthouses in the area.

Getting There: Take the long distance bus from the Central Long-distance Bus Station.

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