Chiwan Tianhou Temple (or Mazu Temple) [赤湾天后庙]

  • Address:Chiwan Liulu, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
  • Getting there: 226, 355
  • Contact: 0755 2685 3219  


Chiwan Tianhou Temple lies beside Chiwan Village in Nanshan District. Tianhou, also known as Mazu or Heavenly Queen, is the patron saint of seafarers and much revered throughout southern China's coastal regions. The original temple is said to date back to 1410, and was built as an offering to Mazu for protecting the fleet of Zheng He, China's most famous navigator. Much of the temple was reconstructed in the early 1990s. The temple remains the largest temple in Guangdong Province dedicated to Tianhou.

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