Detian Trans-National Waterfall (Detian Kuaguo Pubu) [德天跨国瀑布]

  • Address:upriver of Guichun River, Daxin County, southwest of Guangxi
  • Contact: 0771- 2612482  
  • Opening hours: 8:30am -6:30pm
  • Website: (Chinese)
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Like Niagara Falls, which sit between the American and Canadian borders, the Detian Trans-National Waterfall marks the line between two countries: in this case, China and Vietnam.

The wide, three tiered drop sends water thundering into the large pool below which is popular with swimmers in the summer, though straying too close to the fast moving water is not recommended. The waterfall is surrounded by kapok trees, which change color throughout the year, creating a beautiful backdrop for the impressive waterfalls. In spring, the trees bloom with flame-red blossoms, which fall to reveal lush green leaves in summer and in autumn, the trees turn a rich golden-yellow

Close to the waterfall are a number of other attractions, including thee Heishui He (Black Water River) and the Dragon Gulf, which has been nicknamed "Little Guilin".

Getting There: Buses leave Nanning Main Bus Terminal for Detian every hour from 8:30am, costing RMB50.

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