Jiudingta Folk Custom Park (Jiu Ding Ta Minzu Feng Qingyuan) [九顶塔民族风情园]

  • Address:Qinjiazhuang, Liubu Town, Licheng District, Jinan
  • Getting there: 67, 88 zhi (branch)
  • Contact: 0531-82840001  
  • Opening hours: all day
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Located in Liufu Town in the Licheng District of Jinan, the Jiudingta Folk Custom Park is 26 km from the main town. It consists of several areas, including the Nationality and Folk Custom Area, the Amusement Area, the Resort Area and a Scenic Area.

The Nationality and Folk Custom Area is an area integrating exhibitions of local cultures, traditional arts, folk customs and architecture. Sixteen ethnic groups are represented in the park including Dai, Zhuang, Miao, Hani, Yi, Nu, Buyi, Korean, Tibetan and Mongolian nationalities and series of "villages" has been built to demonstrate what a traditional life looks like for people of these cultures.

In the rooms there are various household appliances from different nationalities, used to demonstrate the daily lives and features of diverse cultures. The area surrounding each national area has been built to mimic the traditional folk cultures of the respective nationalities, and is staffed by actors and actresses, scattered across the villages to talk about the conditions and customs of their nationalities, give traditional performances and display the customs of each culture such as the Wa "swinging hair" and Hani "robbing brides".

Various cultural artifacts are scattered about the park including a primitive waterwheel and an elaborately carved totem pole. A stand which can hold over 1,000 people centers on a performance stage. Visitors can take part in performances, dressing in traditional costumes and joining the professional performers in festivals including the Torch Festival and Songkran. Visitors may even be invited to participate in traditional wedding ceremony to personally experience these ancient rites. You can also taste the unique snacks of various minorities and buy colorful handicraft works.

The amusement park has grass slides, rock climbing, cable gliding and bungee jumping. The Scenic Spot Area houses the Tang Dynasty Jiuding Tower, which is a protected national monument, behind which hangs the Lingjiu Mountain Cliff in which more than 80 figures of Buddha have been sculpted.

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