Add: 1 Meiling Dadao, Hefei
Tel: 0551-3401033(daytime) 3401183(night)
Inquiry Tel: 0551-3401199, 3401200
Airport Ticket Booking: 0551-3401197
Fax: 0551-3418582
Bus route: 11
» Ticketing service:
Dear Sirs,
We are a private company from Arad-Romania, located at 40 km East from the border with Hungary , set up in 1992 , producer and exporter of wood products.
In accord with our partner of Hefei / China INVITATION , so please confirm you :
Budapest (Hungary) - Hefei Luogang International Airport (China), going - return
We remain grateful , so PLEASE the full price airplain ticket for two perssons in Euro/persson , with the all taxes inclusively.
Best regards,
dipl. eng. Iosa-Gherasim VLACIS
"DUD imp.-exp." Ltd. Arad
- R O M A N I A
310204 - Romantastr. 12
fax : 40 - 357 - 814 317
Mob. : 40 - 744 - 438 669 ** Für Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung - kontakt Person Mr.dipl.eng. VLACIS;