Heavenly Lake (Tian Chi) [天池]

| 0 Reviews | April, May, June,October: RMB90; July, August, September: RMB 100; November-March: RMB 50. | Attractions
  • Address:Mountainside of Bogedafeng Mountain, 110 km northwest of Urumqi
  • Getting there: Buses leave from the gate of People’s Park and Red Hill Hotel. The journey takes around 2 hours
  • Contact: 0994-3232388  
  • Opening hours: 8:00-19:00
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During the ancient Western Zhou Dynasty (1100 BC-771 BC), Xi Wang Mu (the West Queen) fell in love with Emperor while she was entertaining him in her palace. When he left to continue his journey, she wrote him a poem professing her love and asking for his return:

'' The white clouds drift while the mountains reach the blue sky. Passing thousands of mountains, crossing ten thousand rivers, you come to us from a faraway place. If you are still strong and fine, would you like to come back to us again? ''

The king responded in the form of a poem:

'After I go back to central China and lead the people to a prosperous life
I will come to you again.'

But he never did return. The lovesick Queen waited for him with only the rippling waters of Heavenly Lake and the snow-crowned peaks west of Bogda Mountain watching over her.

The views the Queen looked out over as she mourned her lost love, are almost unchanged to this day. Known as the ''Pearl of Heavenly Mountain'' the waters in heavenly lake are cool and clear as they originate in the snows of the surrounding mountains. Taking a boat out on the lake at dusk is a magical experience and if you' re lucky, you may catch one of the many fish living in the clear waters.

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