Address: 1 Shixi Street, Suzhou (Soochow University School of Overseas ...
Description: The School of Overseas Education, Soochow University offers both long-term program of Chinese language and short-term program of Chinese language. Long-term Program of Chinese Language: The program is usually h...
Address: 68 Suxi Lu, Industrial Park District, Suzhou (Suzhou Industrial ...
Address: 90 Ganjiang Xilu, Suzhou
Description: Bus routes: 9, 2, 923, 307, 68, 60, 146, get off at Bank of China Station, then walk east 200 meters. Or Buses No. 5, 8, 101, 103, 4, 1, 112, 502, 32, 102, 38, and get off at Leqiao Station, then walk 200 meter...