Xiguan Ancient Grand House (Xi Guan Da Wu) [西关大屋]

  • Address:84 Fengyuan Beijie, Longjin Xilu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
  • Getting there: 2, 25, 55, 66
  • Contact: 020 8193 9917  
  • Opening hours: 08:30 - 17:00
Large View


The grand mansions of Xiguan Dawu served as residences for merchants and officials.

A typical Xiguan Dawu is comprised of three beautiful courtyards with narrow lanes separating them. Each courtyard was designated for a specific function. The first courtyard was for the gatekeepers, sedan chair drivers, and other servants. Traditionally, a Xiguan Dawu had three doors. The first door was quite small, and was usually made out of wood and adorned with carved ornaments. The second door was in fact a wooden fence and was there to prevent people from entering without the owner's permission. The third was the 'official' door, and was much larger than the first door. It would only be closed at night.

The house itself would be comprised of living rooms, sitting rooms and kitchen. In a Dawu, the sitting room was the center of the mansion. A great sitting room would have a high ceiling and be richly decorated. Additionally, there would be a second floor with a room designated as a prayer room where the owner had an altar to honor his ancestors. Walls were decorated with polished brick, and the windows had colored glass. The Dawu's high walls served as protective walls, which allowed air to circulate even on days of heavy rain.

Many of the Dawus are no longer in existence, but there are a few that display this beautiful traditional architecture. Most of the Dawus are located in Liwan District. Visitors interested in seeing these traditional residences can head to Yaohua street, Boahua Road, Longjing West Road and Longdao Xin Street. Alternatively, the Liwan Museum has a good display on the history and cultural significance of the Xiguan Dawu.

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