China Enterprise Confederation (CEC*) and China Enterprise Directors Association (CEDA)

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The China Enterprise Confederation (CEC*)/China Enterprise Directors Association (CEDA), is a non-governmental institution and representative organization for Chinese employers. The CEC (formerly known as CEMA which was renamed the China Enterprise Confederation on April 20, 1999.), was established in 1979, while CEDA, established in 1983, merged with the CEC in 1988.

The power of CEC/CEDA rests with the Conference of All China Representatives, which is responsible for making and amending the statutes of the organization, setting long-term strategies, deciding on important issues, adopting resolutions, recommending membership applications and proposing candidates for the Board of Directors. CEC/CEDA's members are mainly enterprises, companies, entrepreneurs, provincial and municipal associations, industry associations and trade associations. Today CEC/CEDA comprises 436,000 members representing 34 industrial sectors in 30 provinces and over 260 cities and regions.

CEC/CEDA seeks to
1) Provide enterprises and companies with training opportunities, advisory and information services and assist with technology transfers;
2) Participate in the legislative processes concerning industrial relations;
3) Publish books and periodicals on business management;
4) Facilitate exchanges at the international level, thereby helping to achieve the ultimate target of establishing modern enterprise management systems;
5) Improve communication between Chinese and foreign companies;
6) Promote cooperation between managers and workers;
7) Help foster sound relationships between managers and workers;
8) Acknowledge excellent companies and entrepreneurs;
9) Develop human resources.
10) Develop advanced business models.

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